Monday, 26 October 2015

October 2015 Open Show. Lee Grogan Critique

Scottish Toy Dog Critique

Thank you to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at your well run and organised show and for the most wonderful hospitality afforded to me. It was no easy feat getting to your show I had to travel from Ireland and had a show in between but I am so glad I made it in the end. I must also thank my super steward Sam for keeping my ring running so smoothly and to the exhibitors for their super entry. Wishing you all continued success.

Post Graduate
1st Boulcott’s Black Magic At Ingerdorm. Sturdy dog of nice size. Nice coat texture. Moved around the ring with such drive and confidence while carrying his well set tail correctly.Best Of Breed.
2nd Stewart’s Avantgarde The Dark Lord At Ingerdorm
3rd Vearonelly’s Hamlock Sweet Talkin Woman
1st Stewart’s Ch Ingerdorm Rebus JW SH.CM. Beautifully constructed dog with great body condition. Nice coat of great texture.
2nd Harvey’s Ingerdorm Cyndi Sh.CM

English Toy Terrier 
1st Inch’s Ariane Oh What A Night At Edalene. Created such an elegant picture when standing, long narrow head with well used ears set on top. Moved well around the ring which secured the class win & Best of Breed.
2nd Inch’s Sharex If I Can Dream For Edalene.
3rd Inch’s Holly Mystic Meg At Edalene

1st Ashton’s Zobear’s Stocking Tops. Super shaped bitch. Loved her expression set off by her large dark eyes .Moved well around the ring never putting a paw wrong. In great condition.
2nd Hume & Pike’s Ragemma Twister To Eivisah.
3rd Stewart’s Datiro Squeeze Me Slow 
Post Graduate
1st Ragemma Twister To Eivisah.Well schooled in good body,well angulated hind quarters which gave good drive when moving.
2nd Blin’s Beltoy Stir It Up
3rd  Cunningham’s Moyard Just Lola
1st Ashton’s Tangetoppen Take A Hint (Imp Nor).My and BIS judges star of the day! A totally different type to most of the others but luckily he is just the type I like. This dog commands attention from the minute he enters the ring, I could not take my eyes off him.He creates such a lovely picture when standing. He is so balanced. On the table he does not disappoint. Nicely developed body that is cobby creating a square picture. Loved his large headpiece topped off with a most lovely expression. He moves so beautifully around the ring, he is made for the big ring where he can show off his many attributes. Best of Breed and delighted to see him go onto win Best In Show.
2nd Hume & Pike’s Sephina All Shook Up Eivisah JW
3rd Reid’s Gramatti Laird Of The Ring Via Hugieboogie

1st Savage’s Abbeyton’s Jester.What a lovely pretty Phalene puppy. Well set and carried ears for one so young. Great body of a lovely elegant shape. Happy temperament displayed at all times really enjoying his day out. You could not ask anymore from a dog of his age.
2nd Hill’s Caraidas True Colours.
Post Graduate
1st Smith’s Adinaken Pretty Puzzled. A most elegant bitch, super shape which commands attention. Very pretty. Lovely large well set and used ears. Moved well.
2nd Hill’s Caraida’s Ragna.
3rd Cochrane’s Tutyak Get Up And Go.
1st Smith’s Papplewick Penhaligon At Adinaken.Very pretty glamorous dog.In great coat.Elegantly build and yet very much a male in profile.Lovely feathered feet. Used his large ears well.
2nd Hill’s Caraidas Ragina
3rd Cochrane’s Tutyak Get Up And Go.

Bichon Frise
1st Davidson’s Shalcey The Ballerina.Well presented coat. Nice dark eye. A most appealing shape. Moved well around the ring. 
Post Graduate
1st Smith & Mill’s Litinaz Precious Cristal.What a naughty boy! But when you are as pretty as he is you can of course get away with it. Thankfully he pulled himself together to win the class in the end. Lovely sized dog, nice length of neck into good shoulders. Well groomed and presented.
1st Mackie’s Ch Suanity Mistic Mercury At Cydmar. A most pretty, elegant and balanced girl.Loved her shape. Her head piece is just lovely, with dark eye and pigmentation. Good arch to neck. Moved well around the ring.
2nd Smith & Mills Litinaz Magic Edition SH.CM

Griffon Bruxellois
1st Murray’s Beaview Special Delivery. Very showy and such a smart shape both standing on the move. Well carried tail. A very cheeky monkey expression displayed at all times.
2nd Mackay’s Linsei StevieWonder. 
1st Beauview Thunder Thighs. I see litter sibling to first in the previous class. The same comments apply. Same lovely shape and style with good movement, Good body and condition. Carried tail well.
1st Mackenzie’s Grajenco Klass Act At Calanru SH.CM. Very smart and well balanced,liked the overall size. Good body. Great harsh and wiry coat texture. Excellent expression.Best of Breed
2nd Murray’s Grajenco Royal Male With Murroch.

Japanese Chin
1st Pipe & Lindsay’s Sleepyhollow Mavis. I have long admired this beautiful girl from the ringside, I was so pleased to have the opportunity to judge her and she most certainly did not disappoint. She is the correct size, fine,elegant and dainty, yet has good body and is so very sound. Her headpiece is so feminine (as it should be). She possess the most wonderful large round eyes with the correct look of astonishment showing, a most important breed feature. Her coat is single,straight and silky and she has it in all the right places. Shown so beautifully as one would expect from this very clever young lady.Best of Breed and delighted to see her finish the day Reserve Best in Show. Destined for great things I am sure.
1st Pipe & Lindsay’s Sleepyhollow Mavis At Anjuli.See above
2nd Damheadbrig Domino
1st Allcock,Lindsay & Pipe Sleepyhollow Baroque At Anjuli. Well feathered coat in great condition.Nice large head with good underjaw and well cushioned muzzle. Moved soundly around the ring while keeping his great shape. Presented to perfect.


1st  Dornan & Flannigan’s Snowkai Magnificent Marvel. Presented in sparkling condition. Nice sized male. Loved his balanced shape/outline.Nice head piece and expression. Tail well set and carried. moved ok.
2nd Balfour’s Suncube Cookie Crumble.
1st Gillies Am Ch Delcost Starduster. What an ultra feminine Maltese. so very very pretty, just my type. She has the most beautiful head piece. Loved her length of foreface. Her beautiful eyes just entrap you. She moves with such drive and strides out with confidence, she demands your attention. She is a wonderful sized and so balanced. Best Of Breed.
2nd Grant & Walkers Travilla Chic And Petite With Linmont.
3rd Balfour’s Delcost High Living.

1st Easdon & Martin’s Yakee The Feelgood Factor. Only a puppy but what a lovely puppy he is. Such a lovely size, heavy to pick up. Great bone and substance under his beautifully presented puppy coat. He has a very beautiful yet masculine face. Moved well. Best Of Breed.
2nd Easdon & Martin’s Yakee Chasing Rainbows.

I can’t tell you how difficult the Pomeranian exhibitors made my job of finding only 1 Best of Breed winner. So many beautiful dogs in the quality entry, you should all be so proud. Each and every exhibit was presented to perfection. I got so much enjoyment out of judging this breed today.
1st Black & Black-Bunce Dolce Vita Tai Lauras (Imp LTU).What a little pocket rocket! Loved her shape and style. So much to like about her. She has the most lovely headpiece with such great eye and ears which she used well. great body proportions she creates a very impressive picture when standing and does not disappoint on the move either.So pleased to see her awarded Best Puppy In Show later in the day.
2nd Black &Black-Bunce Romeo In Love Tai Lauras For Zaandam (Imp Ltu).
3rd Ogilvie’s Pakov’s Midnight Tink.
Post Graduate
1st Ogilvie’s Moipom Silversmith JW. Lovely dog, smart as paint. Has a great body under his well presented coat which was of great texture.Well schooled in the art of showing. His type gave him the edge in this lovely class.
2nd Johnstone’s Cairnpapple’s Surprise.
Super class of beautiful dogs.
1st Ogilvie’s Pakov’s I’m A Celebrity JW. Gorgeous dog who for me just had it all. Shape,make,coat of great texture,body,head and what an expression.Great movement. His overall type won him this very strong class & Best of Breed
2nd Carripom Orlando
3rd Chalmers & Smail’s Toybox The Karate Kid JW.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Open Show 11th October 2015

Scottish Toy Dog – 11 October 2015 – Judge Julie Baldwin

Thank you to the Officers and Committee for the honour of judging BIS at this atmospheric and well run Toy Dog Show.  Without exception all dogs were shown in immaculate condition and sportsmanship was evident around the rings. A long and tiring journey but worth every mile.
Thank you.

AV Veteran dog 4,1
1st Moyes & Hunter Nosyros Meet Joe Black via Bryelis
Hairless Chinese Crested. Nice boy shown in good condition. Masculine head, good fringing. Super body, holds topline well and moving with confidence and drive.
2nd Harper & Barbours Pamojil Ryan at Kirkbrae
3rd Hargaves Sandbrae Rockabye

AV Veteran Bitch 3,0
1st Lawries Mrusha Sugar Pum Fairy Sh CM
Very stylish Bichon, full of type. Coat thinning a little with age but is a quality girl full of breed type. Very feminine head, super dark eye. Shown in immaculate condition and moving freely with drive. BVIS
2nd Baillie’s Fyrnrose Mrs Tiggy Winkle JW
3rd MacGregors Meerwings Swallow Tale By Pyatshaw

Puppy 5,1
1st Bells Chistabella Paloma
11mths blen. Full of breed type, very feminine with pleasing expression. Well cushioned for age, colours nicely broken. Has a good front with correct lay of shoulder. Good spring of rib. Excellent temperament and moving with confidence and ease. BPIB
2nd Gow’s Coralvalley Charm at Lyncraeg
3rd Ballantines Middleshott Kings Ransom

Junior 5,0
1st Gaskells Jeilohn Pickles
13mths tri d. Fabulous head, Super body and shown in first class condition. Good rib and topline. Out moved the rest of the class and handled to advantage. Pushed hard for BOB just losing out to a dog on top form today.
2nd Baillies Peakdowns Floyd at Cavallino
3rd Gaskells Jeilohn Honeyberry

Graduate 3,0
1st Ballatines Middleshott Kinng of Hearts
19mths blen d. Very pleasing head and shown in first class condition. Just a tad longer in body than I’d like but full of breed type. Good spring of rib. Moving well.
2nd Baillies Fyrnrose Hello Dolly
3rd Frasers Tingewood Tam O’Shanter

Limit 3,0
1st Baillies Peakdowns Skyfall at Cavallino
2 ½ blen d. This boy has the most fabulous head. Beautifully typical expression, good earset and fringing. Well cushioned.  Super lay of shoulder and level topline. Although would have preferred a touch more weight on him he has a good spring of rib. Moved beautifully around the ring with typical Cavalier attitude and confidence. BOB and shortlisted for BIS.
2nd Frasers Tinegwood Tomintoul
3rd Hargaves Sandbrae Rockabye

Open 7,1
1st  Baillies Peakdowns Ryan at Cavallino
2yrs blen d. Very typy d. with super expression. Shown in wonderful condition. Good rib, super topline. Well angulated rear and moving well. Just not quite the showmanship of BOB today.
2nd Gibb-Stuarts Chantismere Push My Button JW
3rd Baillies Selkies Heavenly Prince at Fyrnrose

1st Boulcott & Dowty’s Clynymona Hercules Morse at Ingerdorm Sh CM
Stood alone but a real quality male.  Shown in immaculate condition. Strong masculine head, good muzzle and dentition.  Super lay of shoulders, good spring of rib. Moving around the ring with ease and a great shame his handler couldn’t stay for BIS.  A joy to judge.

Chihuahua S/C
Junior 10,2
1st Black & Howies Chinzaes Counting Stars
17mth b&t b. Took my eye from the moment she entered the ring. Very smart, typy b. Lovely head, earset and carriage. Lovely neck, clean shoulders and front. Super spring of rib and moving around the ring with typical Chi attitude. BOB
2nd Silversteins Silverchi Betelgeuse
3rd Huntleys Jahneemahs Shock Encounter

PG 12,3
1st Hinshelwood’s Muirfauld Ditas Diamond
17mths masc d. Nice for size and type. Good head, nice eye. Lovely tailset and carriage. Moving well.
2nd Silversteins Boetandales Moomoo of Silverchi
3rd Johnstones Muirfaulds Marshoness by Cairnapple

Open 12, 5
1st Silversteins Juplissi at Silverchi Des Etoiles Artemis (Imp Fra)
15mths cream b. Very typy b. lovely head, good ears and set. Needs to body up a little but so sound. Excellent tailset and carriage.
2nd Sneddons Mattadam Sweet Sensation with Lillypoms
3rd Hinshelwood’s Muirfauld Ditas Diamond

Chihuahua L/C
Puppy 6,0
1st Byrne & Joiners Abbasong Doug Done Good for Dacatelo
Took my eye the moment this d. entered the ring. Super soft coat, in immaculate condition. Very typical expression, super muzzle and dentition. Excellent front and well angulated rear, giving good movement fore and aft. Super spring of rib and coat in first class condition. Pushed hard for BOB, losing out on overall maturity. Delighted to award and BPIB and then RBPIS.
2nd Sneddons Rhinns Fireworks with Lillypoms
3rd Watsons Coltham Kindhearted with Lynruce

Junior 4,0
1st Eilidh & Sangsters Kirlasidh Tandem Lady
16mth fawn/sable b. Needs to come on in confidence but such a typy b. Very pretty head, nice ears and set and shown in immaculate condition.
2nd Watsons Coltham Kindhearted with Lynruce
3rd Bryne & Joiners Garnox Double Trouble with Dacatelo

PG 6,3
1ST Hastings Bratilda Man about Town at Lebethazi
2yrs fawn/sable bd. Super head. Lovely shoulders and good topline. Shown in lovely condition, super soft coat.
2nd Kerr’s Belldinla Touch of Mischeif from Rhinns
3rd Kerrs Ring of Fire from Rhinns

Limit 6,5
1st Eilidh & Sangsters Tidos Charlies hes my Darling at Kirlasidh
20mths red/sable. Full of attitude and type. Ex head and eye, good dentition. Ice for size and type and shown in immaculate condition. Winner of Toy Open stakes.

Open 6,4
4yrs d. red/sable. Very typy male. Super for size and shape. Masculaine head, ears well fringed, set and carried well.  Lovely body, good loin. Well angulated behind and moving with real attitude. Didn’t stop showing all day. BOB and shortlisted for BIS.

Chinese Crested
Junior 3,1
1st Moyes & Hunter
13mth b. Pretty b shown in lovely condition. Nice head and eye. Well bodied with good spring of rib. Nice topline, held well. Good tailset and moving well.
2nd Reilly’s Baojin Secret Agent
A touch larger than I’d prefer but a very typy d. Good front and rear and moving well. Holds topline well and shown in good condition. BPIB

Graduate 6,2
1st Scotts Bryelis If Looks Could Kill for Zaffarella
2yrs h/l d. Although not as flashy as they seem to be these days this d. is built of such good lines. Lovely head and eye. Super front and shoulders. Rear angulation enables him to move around the ring with ease and drive.
2nd Gee’s Zuccis Just Dreamy
3rd Hitchcocks Clanest Contessa Via Bryelis

Limit 6,1
1st Lynchs Queshian Bare Necessities at Garnox
Maculine d. with head and eye. Fringing isn’t overdone and coat is in good condition. Up to size but typy and moving well.
2nd Moyes & Hunters Bryelis Rupert the Bare
3rd Reilly’s Baojin Secret Agent

Open 6,2
1st Thomsons Omegaville Jingfei for Zigoyirox
Typy b. Up to size but such a lot to like about her. Very pretty b. nice muzzle and dentition. Well bodied and with a super spring of rib. Shown in super hard condition which showed in her precise, sound movement. Good skin and coat. Good fringing. Super tailset and carriage. BOB.

Miniature Pinscher
Graduate 5,0
1st McCue’s Kilmuir Queen I’m Calico
Lovely red b. Just 6mths but very together for her age. Displaying a good hackney action. Needs to drop in chest but so very typy. Lovely tailset and carriage. BPIB and winner of the Toy Puppy Stakes
2nd Johnstons Allanabru Techno Tango
3rd Allans Allanabru Strictly Tangoed

Open 5,0
1st Allans Allanabru Saucy Savours JW
B&T b. 3yrs. Her young handler coped admirably but she just got away from her control a little in BIS which cost her a shortlist.  Lovely head, very typy. Nice neck leading to super shoulders. Naturally sloping topline and good front and rear. Hackneys nicely. Good tailset and carriage. BOB.

Yorkshire Terrier
Junior 3,1
1st Burns Elsaidamar Majic Love
10mths. Promising youngster. Needs to come on but very typy, good for size. Nice front and feet. Good small ears, super muzzle and dentition. Moving well for age. BPIB
2nd Eassons Beechgrove Born to be Wild

Post Grad 3,0
1st Williamsons Dunsapie Wayward Prince
19mths d. Very typy and shown in lovely coat and condition. Masculine head. Good muzzle and dentition. Bags of terrier attitude. Lovely level topline and moving well.
2nd Eassons Macrae Elasaidamar Classic Design at Cadalis

Open 3,2
1st Burns Elasaidamar Irresistable
Classy male. Up to size but with a lot to like. Typy male, put down to perfection. Has a lovely head and expression. Super topline, held well. Colours are really lovely. Moving with drive and purpose. BOB.

I really was spoilt for choice in both the adults and the puppies.  There were only two of us judging today and I must really thank Lee Grogan for sending through so fabulous examples of their breed. This was clearly obvious by his breeds getting 3 out of the 4 top honours today.
Pug. Ahstons Tangetoppens Take a Hint (Imp Nor) From the moent this d. walked into the ring I was just looking for RBIS. He knocked me out. So full of breed type. Superb head, well bodied, sturdy and as sound as they come. An honour to judge. BIS
RBIS – Japanese Chin. Pipe and Lindsay’s Sleepyhollow Mavis at Anjuli.  Stunning b. with the most glorious, startled expression.  Lacking a little coat today but her type shone through and she couldn’t be denied RBIS.

Pomeranian.  – Black & Black-Bunce’s Dolce Vita Tai Lauras (Imp LTU). Much as the Pug did in BIS, this little b. needed no more than further examination to confirm my first thoughts. She oozes breed type. I would have preferred her a touch bigger but what there is of her is absolutely spot on. A joy to judge. BPIS.
RBIS - L/C Chi - Byrne & Joiners Abbasong Doug Done Good for Dacatelo. Unlucky to meet the Pom today. This is such a quality Chi. I shall watch his progress with interest.

AV Toy Puppy Stakes
1st Min Pin – McCue’s Kilmuir I’m Calico
2nd Pomeraninan – Ogilvies Pakov’s Midnight Tink
3rd Papillon – Savages’s Abbeytons Jester

AV Toy Open Stakes
1st L/C Chihuahua - Eilidh & Sangsters Tidos Charlies hes my Darling at Kirlasidh
2nd Maltese Dornan & Flaniagan’s Snowkai Magnificent Marvel
3rd Min Pin Allans Allanabru Just N Illusions JW Sh CM