Monday, 14 October 2013

Open Show 13 October 2013 RESULTS

Congratulations to all exhibitors and thankyou to you and your friends for making it an enjoyable day for all

Carrigan's Pomeranian
Carripom Zachariah SHCM

Byrne and  Joiner's Long Coat Chihuahua
Jotolemar Show Stopper with Dacatelo SHCM

Boulcott's Affenpinscher
Ingerdorm Affenadorable

Lynch's Smooth Coat Chihuahua
Garnox Ally Bally Bee

Ogilvie's Pomeranian
Ch Pakov's Im Viva

Judge Mr J W Finlay
Class 1 AV Veteran Dog 5(0)
1. Macgregor's Pyatshaw Ravel( Pap)
2. Joyce's Ch Calajoy Robbie Macfluff( Pap)
3. Innes's Pearlwhite Dennis the Menace SHCM ( Bichon)
Class 2 AV Veteran Bitch 2(1)
1. Ogilvie's Ch Pakov's Im Viva(Pom)

Class 3. Miniature Pinscher Graduate 4(2)
1. Allan's Allanbru Just N'Credible
2. Cameron's Darkiss Shady Lady
Class 4. Miniature Pinscher Limit 2(0)
1. Allan's Allanbru Saucy Svours JW BOB
2. Anderson's Elanaux Solendo
Class 5 Miniature Pinscher Open 5(1)
1. Allan's Allanbru JustN' Illusion JW
2.Mulholland's Allanbru She's the One
3.Anderson's Elanaux Toro Rojo

Class 6 Chinese Crested Graduate 6(4)
1. O'Flaherty's Queshian BOld and Bear
2 Lynch's Queshian Bare Necessities at Garnox
Class 7 Chinese Crested Limit 2(0)
1. Leach & Muldoon's Zucci Mr Burberry von Queshian BOB
2. Sproul & Coburn's Nysyros Occurring for Khandro
Class 8 Chinese Crested Open 2(1)
1. Sproul & Coburn's Lacdee Cherokee Legacy at Nisyros

Class 9 King Charles Spaniel Open 1(0)
1. Sproul & Coburn's Baldragon Berkeley for Khandro

Class 10. Papillon Junior 3(0)
1. Macgregor's Pyatshw Parable
2. Smith's Adinaken Pretty Puzzled
3. McCrindle's Kazzlyn Rainbow Rose
Class 11 Papillon Graduate(3(0)
1. Richardson's Calajoy Mysic Mia
2. Lees' Brollyanna Mystic Millie
3. McCrindle's Kazzlyn Rainbow Warrior
Class 12.Papillon PostGraduate 2(0)
1. Macgregor's Craigaber Rolex
2. Lees' Calajoy Robbies Gift
Class 13 Papillon Limit 1(0)
1. Macgregors Craigaber Timewatch JW
Class 14 Papillon Open 3(0)
1. Smith's Ch Pplewick Pretty in Pink at Adinaken JW SHCM BOB
2. Macgregor's  Meerwings the Swallow Tale by Pyatshaw
3. Joyce's Calajoy Could She be Magic 

Class 15 Pekingese Graduate 2(1)
Brodie's Easterman Jazzy Moonlight
Class 16 Pekingese  Open 2(1)
1. Brodie's Meritorious Welsh Princ of Easterman

Class 17 Japanese Chin Graduate 3(1)
1. Allcock,Lindsay & Pipe's Fralee Anthony Sleepyhollow
2. Blair's Toffs Lotus Blossom at Bellflows
Class18  Japanese Chin  Open 4(0)
1. Allcock,Lindsay & Pipe's Sleepyhollow Sapphire Diva at Anjuli BOB
2. Boulcott's Jonsville Secret Fortune
3. Blair's Tillashby Michi at Bellfows

Class 19. Bichon Frise Graduate 3(0)
1. Henderson' Praymar Star Dream
2. Dickson & Vint's Marshmallow Princes Sylina for Litinaz
3. Innes's Starforth Just Loving You at Pearlwhite
Class 20. Bichon Frise Limit 3(1)
1. Mackie's Suanity Mistic Mercury at Cydmar BOB
2. Smith & Mills Litinaz Magic Edition at Cristalmara SHCM
Class 21 Bichon Frise Open(2(0)
1.  Suanity Mistic Mercury at Cydmar
2. Lawrie's Morusha Million Dollar Baby SHCM

Class 22   Yorkshire Terrier  Graduate4(2)
1. Robertson's Starfox Blue Harmony
2. Burns' Elasaidamar Irresistabble
Class 23 Yorkshire Terrier Limit 1())
 1. Starfox Blue Harmony
Class 24  Yorkshire Terrier Open 3(0)
1. Williamson's Julesmoor Fire Fly by Dunsapie BOB
2. Weigand's Frasermar Mystic  Love at Andelalie
3  Starfox Blue Harmony

Class 25 Maltese Limit 5(2)
1. Roberts Benatone Gold Dollar For Shawmills
2. Gillies Delcost Skyfall
3. Flannigan's Julesmoor High Design
Class 26 Maltese Open 3(1)
1. Gillies AM CH Ta-Jon's Cuckko for Coconute at Delcost BOB
2. Benatone Gold Dollar For Shawmills

Class 27. Affenpinscher Limit 3(1)
1. Boulcott'sIngerdorm Affenadorable BPIS
 2. Stewart's Ingerdorm Affenlicious
Class 28 Affenpinscher Open 3(1)
1. Stewart's Ingerdorm Rebus JW BOB
2. Stewart's Ingerdorm Cyndi

Class 29 Pomeranian Junior 5(3)
1. Adamson's Donnels Special Delivery
2. Ogilvie's Pakov's Dont Mind If I Do
Class 30 Pomeranian Post Graduate 6(3)
1. Ogilvie's Pakov's Pernickity
2. Mc Dowall's Carberry Midnight Quest
3. Johnstone's Pakov Just a Fluke for Cairnpapple
Class 31  Pomeranian Open 6(1)
1.Carrigan'sCarripom Zachariah SHCM BOB, BIS
2. Nixon's Kazpom Just Becoz
3. Ogilvie's Pakov's I'm A Celebrity JW

Class 32 Pug Graduate 1(0)
1. Reid's Gramatti Laird of the Ringvia Hugieboog
Class 33 Pug Limit 1(0)
1. Gramatti Laird of the Ringvia Hugieboog
Class 34 Pug Open 4(3)
1. Ashton's Marbelton What a Guy at Zoebear JW SHCM BOB

Class 35 Bolognese Limit1(1)
Class 36 Bolognese Open 2(1)
1. Stewart, Dowty  & Boulcott's Clynymona Hercules Morse at Ingerdorm SHCM BOB
Class 37 AV Toy NSC Open no entries

Class 52 AV Toy Minor Puppy11(?)
1. Byrne & Joiner's Jotolemar Crowd Stopper with Dacatelo( Lc/Chi)
2. Baillie's Peakdown Skyfall (CKCS)
3. Starforth Just Loving You at Pearlwhite( Bichon)
Class 53 AV Toy  Puppy 11(?)
1. Pakov's Dont Mind If I Do (Pom)
2. Hunter's Jotolemar Show Time Stunner
3.Campbell's Cavilera Charming Charlie (CKCS)
Class 54 AV Toy Novice 3(1)
1. Chaplin's Hollmar Wee Stunner (Lc/Chi)
2. Kerr & Bell's Fire Storm (Sc/Chi)
Class 55 AV Toy Open 3(2)
1. Chplin'sOakmyst All That Hazz at Taylarig( Pom)
Class 56 AVToy Bred By Exhibitor Open 2(0)
1. Jotolemar Show Time Stunner
2. Queshian Bold and Bear
Class 57  AV Toy Not Bred By Exhibitor 4(2)
1. Pakov Just a Fluke for Cairnpapple
2. Folan's Garnox Jive Talkin( Lc/Chi )

Judge Mr G Kirkwood

Class 38 CKCS Junior 7(2, 1Tf)
1. Gibb-Stuart's Chantismere Push My Button
2. Baillie's Fyrnrose Hello Dolly
3. White's Cavallino Buttons
Class 39 CKCS Graduate 6(3)
1. Gaskell's Jeilohn Andrew
2. McMurray's Ellemich Straus at Merryoth
3. White's Lyncraeg Leading Light at Carleny
Class 40  CKCS Post Graduate 7(3)
1. Baillie's Peakdown Micawberat Cavallino BOB
2. Fraser's Tingwood Tomintoul
3. Gibb-Stuart's Tanglewood Clan Chief
Class 41  CKCS Limit 6(4)
1. Baillie's Selkies Hevenly Prince at Fyrnrose
2. Fraser's Costar Ruadh at Lyncraeg
Class 42 CKCS Open 8( 3)
1. Gaskell's Jeilohn Coinneach
2. White's Rothes hazel at Carleny
3 Bell's Lanola Savilla

Class 43 Griffon Bruxellois Graduate 1(1)
Class 44 Griffon Bruxellois Limit 5(34)
1. Davidson's Aptrick Ithil
2. Mackay's Otgriff Winning Ways for Ostaen
Class 45 Griffon Bruxellois Open 5(3)
1. Goldin's Donzeata Royal Secret for Fleetgold BOB
2. Otgriff Winning Ways for Ostaen

Class 46 Chihuahua Longcoat Graduate 7(0)
1. Penman's Tampico Classy Rascal At Clarmoray
2. Byrne & Joiner's Jotolemar Crowd Stopper with Dacatelo
3. Hunter's Jotolemar Show Time Stunner
Class 47 Chihuahua Longcoat Limit 7(4)
1. McIntyre's Hollmarr Diamond Lil
2. Lynch's GArnox Kiss Me Kwick
3. Kerr's Belldinla Touch of Mischief
Class 48 Chihuahua Longcoat Open 5(2)
1. Byrne & Joiner's Jotolemar Show Stopper with Dacatelo SH CM BOB, RBIS
2. Jotolemar Time Edition
3. Kerr's Belldinla Moonlite Dreamer

Class 49 Chihuahua Smoothcoat Graduate 6(1)
1. Lynch's Garnox Ally Bally Bee BOB,RBPIS
2. Gray's Hughgra Its My Turn
3. Kerr & Bell's Fire Storm
Class 50 Chihuahua Smoothcoat Limit3(0)
1. Gray's Hughgra One Shining Moment
 2. Boetandales Moomooof Silverchi
3. Boetandales Silver Weebit
Class 51  Chihuahua Smoothcoat Open 2(0)
 1. Gray's Hughgra I'm Coming Out
2. Lynch's Coltham Olympic Glory at Garnox

Sunday, 8 September 2013


Schedules can be downloaded from

Friday, 21 June 2013


Full Program will be availble nearer the time.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Mrs Waddington's critique Open Show 24th March 2103

I would like to extend my thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge at this friendly show and for their hospitality, my steward for keeping the ring moving so well and to all of the exhibitors for bringing their lovely dogs for me to judge.

1. Smith’s Wee Angus of Adinaken ShCM (Papillon) This 7 year old dog was in excellent condition and was not showing his age. He was presented in full coat with large flaring ears, pointed muzzle, good bite and he moved with drive keeping a level topline and carrying his well feathered tail high over his back.  2. Hargrave’s Cavallino Jaeger (CKCS) 3. Hargrave’s Sandbrae Rockabye (CKCS)
1. Nixon’s Ch Pakovs I’m Viva (Pomeranian) I loved this 11 year old orange bitch, so short and compact, with super tailset and shown in full coat. Lovely head with small ears, dark sparkling eyes, fine muzzle and foxy expression, she moved briskly and accurately. Best Veteran in Show.   2. Moyes & Hunter’s Jokima Jalena (Chinese Crested) 3. Gray’s Ingerdorm Tar Baby (S/C Chihuahua)
1. Robertson’s Lorddark Lord of Greyskull at Zheridons JW Just 12 months old this dog won the class on his soundness and excellent movement, short and cobby with good substance, button ears, dark eyes and well defined wrinkle.  2. Cunningham’s Moyard Miss Taken Identity 3. Stirling’s Moyard Bella Notre at Bontou
LIMIT (5,2a)
1. Nisbet’s Prince Codi at Crissam  Square, cobby dog of substance with slightly arched neck, layback of shoulder, well sprung ribs, good turn of stifle enabling him to move purposefully with characteristic roll. His dark lustrous eyes and soft velvet ears all added to his charm  (BOB) 2. Cunningham’s Eastonite Black Pudding to Moyard 3. Reid’s Habiba Voulez Vous Hugieboogie
OPEN (3)
1. Laing’s Mossdown Just William ShCM  Smaller dog but of good substance and very sound with lovely dark lustrous eyes, soft velvet ears and square jaw.   2. Robertson’s Zheridons Princess Kitana JW ShCM 3. Reid’s Habiba Voulez Vous Hugieboogie

1. Blair’s Tillashby Michi at Bellflows  This young black and white dog was in profuse coat, with long feathering on the ears and a plumed tail; good head with rounded skull, dark eyes and required look of astonishment. Front needs to tighten but won this class on breed type.  2. Boulcott’s Jonsville Secret Fortune 3. Allcock, Lindsay & Pipe’s Fralee Anthony Sleepyhollow

OPEN (3)
1. Swanston’s Damheadbrig Ice Warrior of Pamojill ShCM  I liked this mature black & white dog, he was so sound and there was nothing exaggerated about him, a square, cobby dog with good layback of shoulder and turn of stifle enabling him to move with reach and drive. He has an attractive head with broad, rounded skull, long ear leathers, black nose and large dark eyes. (BOB) 2. Blair’s Tillashby Michi at Bellflows 3. Allcock, Lindsay & Pipe’s Sleepyhollow Sapphire at Anjuli
1. Davidson’s Aptrick Ithl Black, rough coated male, square in shape, cobby and nicely balanced with dark sparkling eyes, monkey like expression, slightly rounded skull and he moved freely.   2. Mackenzie, Kirkwood & Finlay’s Beauview Rumour Has It 3. Smith & Prout’s Grajenco Dotcom at Tantori

LIMIT (3,1a)
1. Finlay’s Gilderoak For Your Eyes Only.  This red bitch was so well balanced with dark eyes, definite stop, wide muzzle and beard; straight front, level topline and good turn of stifle, moved freely (BOB) 2. MacKenzie’s Grajenco Klass Act at Calanru
OPEN (4,3a)
1. Murray’s Grajenco Royal Male. 18 months old red smooth dog who was 4th in the graduate class, showed better in this class moving more happily and with his tail up.
I was delighted with the quality of the Bichons.
1. Mackie’s Suanity Mistic Mercury at Cydmar  I liked both of the dogs in this class, they both moved soundly and were of good breed type, but 1st place went to the more mature bitch who had dark round eyes with black pigmentation on rims and on nose, straight front and she moved freely keeping a level topline (BOB) 2. Martin’s Lizamela Let The Son Shine On

1. Smith & Mills Litinaz Magic Editionat Cristalmara ShCM Another lovely dog with an attractive head with dark eyes, good ears, black lips and who moved well keeping a level topline.  2. Innes’ Pearlwhite Dainty Dinah ShCM

OPEN (2,1a)
1. Mackie’s Morusha Foxiboots at Cydmar ShCM Nice balance to this dog who had a straight front and who moved with drive from the rear. Good mouth and well turned out but would prefer slightly darker eyes and pigment.

1. Wiegand’s Frasermar Mystic Love at Andelalie  Lovely bitch in full gleaming coat, rich golden tan on face, small erect ears, dark sparkling eyes, correct mouth, black nose, she was well constructed which enabled her to move with drive keeping a level topline. (BOB) 2. Chalk’s Metexa Miss Marple 3. Robertson’s Starfox Blue Harmony
LIMIT (5,2a)
1. Bruns’ Frasermar Mistic Moment at Elasaidamar  Another lovely  bitch with a  good quality coat, dark sparkling eyes and black pigment, moved freely with drive and keeping a level topline on the move, but tended to hunch up a little when standing on the box. 2. Trimble & Comrie-Bryant’s Frasermar Heart to Heart 3. Williamson’s Julesmoor Fire Fly by Dunsapie
OPEN (1,1a)
1. Roberts’ Rakaveen Missy at Shawhills Lovely outgoing friendly temperament on this bitch, pretty with dark eyes, black pigment and haloes, good mouth, layback of shoulder and turn of stifle, moved OK keeping a level topline.

OPEN (3,2a)
1. Roberts’ Benatone Gold Dollar for Shawhills Loved this 10 months old puppy, he really impressed me with his dark eyes, black rims and haloes, black nose, strong jaw and excellent scissor bite, carried a good coat for his age and was soundly constructed.   (BOB and RBPIS)
OPEN (5,2a)
1. Swanston’s Downsbank Constallar Moon of Pamojill  Black & tan bitch just 13 months old with good dome, well defined stop, black nose, dark eyes and with good layback of shoulder and turn of stifle. Moved well if a little hesitantly. (BOB) 2. Sproul & Coburn’s Baldragon Berkeley for Khandro 3. Sproul & Coburn’s Misyros Indiana for Khandro
LIMIT (3,2a)
1. Holliday’s Starexpress Heaven Scent.  Good coat texture to this bitch with dark eyes and jet black pigment and attractive expression. She moved soundly with her well feathered tail carried over her back.
OPEN (4,2a)
1. Stewart’s Clynymona Hercules Morse at Ingerdorm (ShCM) I have judged this dog before and was pleased to see that he has matured well. Wide flat skull, large dark round eyes and black pigment, he moved smartly and with drive. (BOB) 2. Holliday’s Starexpress Heaven Scent
MINOR PUPPY (10, 2a)
1. Macgregor’s Pyatshaw Parable (Papillon) 7 months old red & white dog with large ears, with fringing, dark round eyes, black pigment, well laid shoulders, straight forelegs and with good movement.  2. Swanston’s Arranbrook Mr Miyage of Pamojill 3. Cunningham’s Eastonite Black Pudding to Moyard (Pug)
PUPPY (12,5a)
1. Lynch’s Garnox Kiss Me Kwick (L/C Chihuahua) 10 months old cream bitch in super coat and with a gorgeous head, large ears, apple dome skull and large dark eyes, moved soundly. 2. Adamson’s Sylvids Thistlke Do (Pomeranian) 3. Savage’s Piarki Bob the Moth at Abbeyton (imp Aust) (Phalene)
NOVICE (2,1a)
1. Savage’s Glenscot My Joyful Mellody at Abbeyton (Phalene) Red and white with slightly rounded skull, dark eyes and sweet expression.

OPEN (3,1a)
1. Dakymyst All That Jazz at Aylareg(Pomeranian) Almost flat skull, small ears, dark eyes, foxy expression, moved well.  2. Reid’s Pamhurst Rainman (Papillon)

1. Adamson’s Sylvids Thistlke Do (Pomeranian)  just 10 months old, this cream dog had a foxy expression, bright dark eyes, black nose, small ears and was in good coat. Moved soundly. 2. Hasting’s Lebethazi Dream the Dream (S/C Chihuahua)
1. Reid’s Pamhurst Rainman (Papillon) This mature black & white dog was 2nd in a previous class, but was much happier and showed better in this class. Large ears with good fringing, dark eyes and back pigment, moved OK  2. Adamson’s Veltud Black Tara (Pomeranian) 3. Mackenzie’s Grajenco Klass Act at Calanru

BIS Smith’s Ch Papplewick Pretty in Pink at Adinaken JW ShCM (Papillon) This bitch really impressed me with her heavily fringed large ears, rounded skull, dark eyes and pigment and her alert expression. She was in full coat, with nothing exaggerated about her, so soundly constructed and she moved freely and soundly around the ring
RBIS Finlay’s Ellemich Joe Malone at Marisk JW (CKCS) Although only 18 months old, this handsome blenheim dog is mature and in full coat. His conformation and movement is exemplary and to see him driving around the ring is a pleasure. He has an almost flat skull, gorgeous large dark eyes, correct mouth and gentle expression.
BPIS Gray’s Hughgra One Shining Moment (S/C Chihuahua) 11 months old fawn sable bitch of quality with large flaring ears, rounded skull, definite stop, dark round eyes and pigment and good bite. Moved briskly and with drive, keeping a level topline and with good tail carriage.
RBPIS Robert’s Benatone Gold Dollar for Shawhills (Maltese) (see Maltese Open)
BVIS Nixon’s Pakovs I’m Viva (Pomeranian) (See Veteran Bitch)
Elaine Waddington

Mr Waddington's critique Open Show March 24th 2013

24th March 2013 

Chihuahua Long Coat
Graduate (5,0a)
1. Byrne & Joiner’s Helmlee Vanilla Ice with Dacatelo. Fawn sable bitch, just 9 months old
who showed so well, dark eyes and pigment, scissor bite, large ears and rounded skull;
moved well keeping a level topline and with a good tail carriage.
2. Lynch’s Garnox Kiss MeKwick
3. Logan’s Pepeetolynn Time To Dance 
 Limit (1,0a)
1. Hunter’s Jotolemar Time Edition. Fawn sable bitch who took a while to settle, but when
she did she moved briskly around the ring. Large ears, well set on, rounded skull, black
pigment, good neck and shoulders.
Open (5,1a)
1. Byrne & Joiner’s Jotolemar Show Stopper with Dacatelo  Well constructed bitch in good
coat with dark round eyes, apple dome skull, large ears,  and saucy expression. Moved
confidently and happily keeping a level topline and with excellent tail carriage.  (BOB) 
2.Hunter’s Jotolemar Time Edition 
3. Sangster’s Tidos Christmas Gift

Chihuahua Smooth Coat
Graduate (5,1a)
1. Gray’s Hughgra One Shining Moment (BPIS) Lovely, well made bitch of 11 months who
showed and moved so well for one so young. Classic head with apple domed skull, definite
 stop, correct ear set, dark eyes and black pigment, moved briskly and with drive.
2.Hinchelwood’s Copymear Karlena 
3. Brunton’s Joshurst Princess Silika
Limit (4,1a)
1. Hinchelwood’s Copymear Kennedy. 14 months old fawn male with rounded skull, good
ear set, dark round eyes and black pigment, moved and showed well.   
2. Gray’s Hughgra ItsMy Turn 
3. Brunton’s Joshurst Princess Silika
Open (5, 1a)
1. Gray’s Hughgra I’m Coming Out Fawn bitch of good breed type but carrying a little too
much weight today, good breadth between the ears, large dark eyes, correct bite. Moved
well keeping a level topline.
 2. Lynch’s Garnox Toorie Oorie Ay 
3. Brunton’s Joshurst Princess Silika

Ray Waddington

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Best In Show Open Show 24TH MARCH


Smith's  Papillon
Ch Papplewick Pretty in Pink at Adinaken JW SH CM


Finlay's CKSC
Ellemich Joe Malone at Marisk JW


Gray's  S/c Chihuahua
Hughgra One Shining Moment


 Robert's Maltese
 Benatone Gold Dollar for Shawhills


Nixon's (Handling for Ogilvie) Pomeranian
Ch Pakovs I'm Viva 


Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Judge Mrs E Waddington

Cl.1 Veteran Dog.5(2)
1. Smith's Wee Angus of Adinaken ShCM (Pap)
2. Hargrave's Cavalliono Jaegar (CKCS)
3. Hargrave's Sandbrae Rockabye ( CKCS)
Cl.2 Veteran Bitch 3
1.Nixon's ( handling for Ogilvie) Ch Pakovs I'm Viva ( Pom)  Best Veteran
2. Moyes & Hunter's Jokima Jalena (Ch Cr)
3. Gray's IngerdormTar Baby S/c.Chi

Cl 3. Pug Graduate 6
1. Robertson's Lorddark Lord of Greyskullat Zheridons JW(Imp Bel)
2. Cunningham's Moyard Miss Taken Identity
3.Stirling's Moyard Bella Notte at Bontou
Cl 4 Pug Limit 5(2)
1. Nisbet's Prince Codi at Crissam   BOB
2. Cunningham's Eastonite Black Pudding to Moyard
3. Reid's Habiba Voulez Vous avec Hugieboogie
Cl 5 Pug Open 3
1.Laing's Mossdown Just William Sh CM
2. Robertson's Zheridons Prtincess Kitana JW ShCM
3. Habiba Voulez Vous Avec Hugieboogie

Cl 6. Japanese Chin Graduate 4
1. Blair's Tillashby Michi at Bellflows
2. Boulcott's Jonsville Secret Fortune
3. Allcock, Lindsay & Pipe's  Fralee Anthony Sleepyhollow
Cl 7. Japanese Chin Open 3
1. Swanston's Damheadbrig Ice Warrior at Pamojill ShCM  BOB
2. Tillashby Michi at Bellflows
3. Allcock, Lindsay & Pipe's Sleepyhollow Sapphire at Anjuli

Cl 8. Pekingese Graduate 1(1)
Cl 9 Pekingese Open 1(1)

Cl 10. Griffon Bruxellois Graduate 5(1)
1.Davidson's Aptrick Ithil
2. Mackenzie, Kirkwood & Finlay's Beauview Rumour Has It
3.Smith & Prout's Grajenco Dotcomat Tantori
Cl 11. Griffon Bruxellois Limit 3(1)
1. Finlay's Gilderoak For Your Eyes Only  BOB
2. Mackenzie's Grajenco Class Actat Calanru
Cl 12. Griffon Bruxellois Open 4 (3)
1. Murrays Grajenco Royal Male

Cl 13. Bichon Frise Graduate 4(2)
1. Mackie's Suanity Mistic Mercury at Cydmar BOB
2. Martin's Lizamela Let The Son Shine On
Cl 14. Bichon Frise Limit 2
1. Smith & Mills' Litinaz Magic Edition at Cristalmara Sh CM
2. Innes' Pearlwhite Dainty Dinah SH CM
Cl 15. Bichon Frise Open 2(1)
1. Innes' Morusha Take That to Pearlwhite

Cl 16. Yorkshire Terrier Graduate 5
1. Wigand's Frasermar Mystic Love at Andelalie  BOB
2. Chalk's Metexa Miss Marple
3. Robertson's Starfox Blue Harmony
Cl 17. Yorkshire Terrier Limit 5(2)
1. Burns' Frasermar  Mistic Moment at Elasaidamar
2. Trimble & Comrie Bryant's Frasermar Heart To Heart
Cl 18 Yorkshire Terrier Open 1(1)

Cl 19 Maltese Limit 1
1. Roberts'Rakaveen Missy at Shawhills
Cl 20 Maltese Open 3(2)
1. Roberts' Benatone Gold Dollar for Shawhills   BOB

Cl 21. King Charles Spaniel Open 5(2)
1. Swanston's DownsbankConstallar Moon of Pamojill  BOB
2. Sproul & Coburn's Baldragon Berklley for Khandro
3. Sproul & Coburn's Nisyros Indiana for Khandro

Cl 22. Bolognese Limit 3(2)
1. Holliday's Starexpress Heaven Scent
Cl 23. Bolognese Open 4(2)
1. Stewart's Clynmona Hercules Morse at Ingerdorm Sh CM BOB
2. Starexpress Heaven Scent

Cl 24. AVToy NSC  Open  No Entries

Judge Mrs M Wilson Simpson

Cl 25. Chinese Crested Graduate 2(10
1. Hitchcock's Clanest Creme Brulee
Cl 26 Chinese Crested Limit 4(2)
1. Leach & Muldoon's Bryelis Queen of Hearts Von Qushian BOB
2. Moyes & Virta's Joyways Send Me An Angel to Bryelis(Imp Fin)
Cl 27. Chinese Crested Open3(1)
1. Scott's Bryelis Santa Claus Is Here at Zaffarella
2. Sproul & Coburn's Lacdee Cherokee Legacy at Nisyros

Cl 28 Miniature Pinscher Graduate 4(1)
1. Allan's Allanbru Just 'N Illusion
2. Anderson's Elanaux Soleado
3. Allan's Allanbru Just 'N Credible
Cl 29. Miniature Pinscher Limit 4
1. Bisland's Krieger Whoop De Do BOB
2. Allan's Allanbru Devishly Dashing Sh CM
3. Allan's Allanbru Saucy Savours
Cl 30. Miniature Pinscher Open 6
1. Allan's Allanbru Pounc 'N Bounce JW Sh Sm
2. Bisland's Ch Krieger Ohh La La
3. Allan's Allanbru Miss Fun Da Mental

Cl 31 Affenpinscher Limit 3(1)
1. Stewart's Ingerdorm Cyndi
Cl 32. Affenpinscher Open 4(2)
1. Stewarts Ingerdorm Rebus JW Sh CM   BOB
2. Ingerdorm Cyndi

Judge Mrs A Bates
Cl 33. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Junior 8(3)
1. Gaskell's Jeilohn Andrew
2. Gibb- Stuart's Chantismere Push My Button
3. Swanston's Downsbank Jalomeno of Pamojill
Cl 34 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Graduate 5
1. Gibb- Stuart's Tangledwood Clan Chief
2. Jadechar Olympia of Bellflows
3. Beswick's Jeilohn Lily of Patras
Cl 35. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Post Graduate 6(2)
1. Gaskell's Jeilohn Myrna
2. Workman's Turretbank Saffron Silk
3. Fraser's Costara Rufus
Cl 36. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Limit 4(2)
1. Gow's Lochbuie Teazle at Lyncraeg
2. Fraser's Tingewood Tomintoul
Cl 37. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Open 7(2)
1. Finlay's Ellemich Joe Malone at Marisk JW  BOB
2. Gaskell's  Jeilohn Coinneach
3. Drennan's Blairburn Bits N'  Bobs of Calaten Sh CM

Judge Mr R Waddington
Cl 38 Chihuahua Longcoat Graduate 6
1. Byrne & Joiner  Helmlee Vanilla Ice with Dacatelo
2.Lynch's Garnox Kiss Me Kwick
3. Logan's Peeetolynn Time To Dance
Cl 39. Chihuahua Longcoat Limit 1
1. Hunter's Jotolemar Time Edition
Cl 40 Chihuahua Longcoat Open 5(1)
1. Byrne & Joiner's Jotolemar Show Stopper with Dacatelo   BOB
2. Jotolemar Time Edition
3. Sangster's Tidos Christmas Gift

Cl 41. Chihuahua Smoothcoat Graduate 5(1)
1. Gray's Hughgra One Shing Moment  BOB
2. Hinchelwood's Copymear Karlena
3. Brunton's Joshurst Princess Silika
Cl 42 Chihuahua Smoothcoat Limit 4 (1)
1. Hinchelwood's Copymear Kennedy
2. Gray's Hughgra It's My Turn
3. Joshurst Princess Silika
Cl 43 Chihuahua Smoothcoat Open 5(1)
1. Gray's Hughra I'm Coming Out
2. Lynch's Garnox Toorie Oorie Ay
3. Joshurst Princess Silika

Judge Mrs J Joyce
Cl 44 Papillon  Dog Graduate 3(1)
1. Reid's Pamhurst Rainman
2. Savage's Piarki Bob The Moth at Abbeyton (Imp Aus)
Cl 45 Papillon Limit Dog 3
1. Skelton's Winterwings Sea The Stars  (Best Dog}
2. Macgregor's  Craigaber Rolex
3. Savage's Caraideas  The Magician at Abbeytton
Cl 46 Papillon Open Dog 5(2)
1. Macgregor's Pyatshaw Ravel
2. Wee Angus at Adinaken
3. Reid's Pamhurst He's A Catch for Everclasi

Judge Mrs A Richardson
Cl 47 Papillon Bitch Graduate 5(2)
1. Skelton's ADnamashan Cleopatra
2. Pyatshaw Parable
3. Savage's c
Cl 48 Papillon Limit Bitch2(1)
1. Macgregor's Craigaber Timewatch JW
Cl 49 Papillon Open Bitch3(1)
1. Smith's Ch Papplwick Pretty In Pink at Adinken JW ShCM  ( Best Bitch) BOB, BIS
2. Macgregors Meerwings The Swallow Table by Pyatshaw

Judge Miss L Carrigan
Cl 50 Pomeranian Junior2
1. Adamson's Sylvids Heather Cream
2. Sneddon's Lillypoms Cream Dream
Cl 51. Pomeranian Graduate 2
1. Sneddon's Bilijees Top Notch in Lillypoms
2.Adamson's Veltuds  Summer Lovin
Cl 52 Pomeranian Post Graduate 2
1. Ogilvie's Pakovs I'm A Celebrity JW
2. Adamson's Veltud Black Tara
Cl 53 Pomeranian Limit 3(1)
1. Chalmers' Earnpride Foxtrot
2. Sneddon's Degsy's Dream Lover at Lillypoms
Cl 54 Pomeranian Open 2
1. Nixon's Kazpom Code Name JW  BOB
2 Chaplin's Dakmyst All That Jazz at Aylareg

Judge Mrs Waddington
Cl 55 AV Toy Minor Puppy10 (1) (1WD)
1. Pyatshaw Parable( Pap)
2. Arranbrook Mr Miyage of Pamojill ( Jap Chin)
3. Eastonite Black Pudding to Moyard (Pug)
Cl 56 AV Toy Puppy12 (1) (5WD)
1. Garnox Kiss Me Kwick (L/c Chi)
2. Adamson's Sylvids Thistle Do (POm)
3. Piarki Bob The Moth at Abbeyton( Pap)
Cl 57 AV Toy Novice 2(1) 
1. Piarki Bob The Moth at Abbeyton(Pap)
Cl 58 AV Toy Open 3(1)
1. Dakmyst All That Jazz at Aylareg (Pom)
2. Pamhurst Rainman (Pap)
Cl 59 AV Toy Bre by Exhibitor Open 4(2)
1. Sylvids Thistle Do (Pom)
2. Lebethazi Dream the Dream L/C Chi
Cl 60 AV Toy Not Bred By Exhibitor Open 7(3)
1. Pamhurst Rainman(Pap)
2. Veltud Black Tara (Pom)
3. Grajenco Klass Act at Clanru ( Griff)